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Words to ponder over


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design : raine♥
base : !rock
image : sanrio

♥ Sunday, December 20, 2009

Frustration, disappointment, anger, uncontentment whatever envelope the current feelings of present situation. Level of expectation is too high and realistic is just so transparent and yet opaque. WTF! Why do ppl always want to spend time thinking of pessimistic consequences and events? Cant they just put a little time to find out out what they want in future? Who likes to live in uncertainties? A path with
filled with a fog so thick that only what visible is less than a 5m walkway? Thw worse part is they still want to keep saying what and how they want in life and future when none or little effort is put in to think or even take actions! Escape from present may seem a gd solution.....

bunny hopped off at 1:07 AM ♥

♥ Friday, September 25, 2009

What is called loving one another?
What is really a 'relationship' between 2 ppl? (a fren asked me a few days ago) (now it becomes my turn to ask)
Besides trust, love, respect, caring...........
What other elements?
Really ponder and doubt its worthiness to spend so much time on a person.
How powerful silence is when 2 refuse to communicate!

bunny hopped off at 7:32 AM ♥

♥ Thursday, September 10, 2009

Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm

bunny hopped off at 12:29 AM ♥

Time ♥ Thursday, July 16, 2009

Time is within one's control and never say time is not enough due to work. how can one be so busy until u can squeeze time out to meet the one u desire but unable to squeeze time out for another? The reason is so simple and that is U choose not to meet the person. If one is unable to compromise to a promise or simply just a casual remark, dont make it because it can lead to hopes for others. If u do not intend to carry out what u have said, dont say it!
I hate ppl who are always late and don keep their promises! Do not make empty promises! Understand yourself before telling ppl ur character!

bunny hopped off at 6:52 PM ♥

Tum ♥

bunny hopped off at 6:52 PM ♥

Words to ponder over ♥ Monday, June 8, 2009

It takes a long time for someone to build a trust. A trust that requires an effort to build on. However, it can be destroyed in a second!
Worth vs Value
A wife once asked her husband a question over the table of discussion when they were in the midst of getting a protection of risk.
"Dear, how much am i worth to u?" asked the wife
"How much u are worth to me is the way how i treat U!" answered the husband

Do u agree with these statements?

bunny hopped off at 10:45 AM ♥

Words ♥ Friday, May 29, 2009

Words are such a powerful tool that they are used to express so many things in our life. If the wrong choice of words are used, it can bring different meanings to everything you want the other party to know. Have you ever think twice before you blurt out the words no matter it is a feeling of happiness, excitement, rejection, dejection, disappointment and many more.
It is reasonable when one does not know how to express joy and often turns into tears of bless. What about words that are used to hurt someone intentionally? Would u think again before u decide to say them out? Most often, I believe most ppl will not think twice and only regret it when the hurt is done. Isn't it too late to repent? Those words would have been embossed in his/her life and erasing will be irrevocable.
Now, reflect who had u hurt recently due to wrong decision of words choice. If it happens frequently, do u think the amount of trust, faith, love will decrease? How much effort are u going to put in in order to increase that initial level of reliance? It is the same when we blog. Aren't we expressing our feelings every now and then and hope ppl who has read your blog will feel how u feel with the amount of time you have spent to describe your deep down emotions. If the freedom of speech is so much easier to express than typing out, shouldn't we also think again before u open your mouth to puke those words out?

Don't suffocate the ones U love! Don't burn them away!


bunny hopped off at 10:48 AM ♥